Come Home to Imperial.
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas and minutes for City Council and appointed boards of the City of Imperial on our public page using Sparq Data. Click this link:
If you have questions about an agenda item or would like additional information about the agenda, please contact the City Clerk at 308-882-4368.
2025 Outstanding Citizen Nominations
Nominations are now open for our Outstanding Adults and Youth! Spot someone going above and beyond for the good of the community? Noticed someone that spends a lot of time volunteering and want to lift them up? Know of someone always there to help others? Please, nominate them and their good work! Forms can be picked up and returned to the Imperial City Office, or nominations can be made online by selecting from the forms, below. Nominations much be received by Monday, February 3, 2025 to be considered.
New Trash Collection Changes
The City of Imperial is pleased to announce we are opening our every week trash collection to customers not previously on our every week list. If you would like to sign up for every-week trash pickup, we are now collecting new requests to be put on our waiting list on a first come, first served basis as our inventory allows. Please complete this form [] or contact the City Office if interested in being added to the wait list. Customers enrolled in this program will be charged for weekly pickup on their monthly utility bill.
The City of Imperial is excited to announce that our community was awarded the maximum grant for the Nebraska Rural Workforce Housing Fund by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development!
Thank you to West Central Nebraska Development District for assisting us with the preparation of this grant. This wouldn’t have been possible without you!
Thank you to everyone that completed the housing survey that provided important data needed for this grant!
Applications for this new program are available now and may be downloaded in Microsoft Word format or PDF.
Mount Hope Cemetery Lots
We have added a new feature to our GIS mapping software to allow you to locate lots and graves at Mount Hope Cemetery. You can use the search feature to search by name or click individual lots on the map to find who owns the lots, who is buried in the lot, or whether the lot is available for purchase. To easily move to the cemetery, simply click the “bookmark” icon on the right side of the page and then select “Cemetery” on the left side. From there you can click on different lots to see the information about the individual lot. To use this mapping software, please click the link below.
Imperial Transfer Station
Winters Hours (December 1 to March 31):
Closed Sunday and Monday
Tuesday-Friday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.